Friday, October 15, 2010

What does it mean to be Fit?

So what does it really mean to be fit? Few people have ever really stopped to think about this question. Most people have some vague idea of what it means and equate it to being able to run far or have well developed muscles. I’ve noticed a trend that ones idea of “fit” usually equates to what they are good at.

In all reality being fit is a total package deal. What good does it do if you can run 10 miles but you can’t do a single pullup? What good does it do you to be strong enough to squat 300 pounds if you can’t sprint more than 20 yards?

Being fit is based on multiple physical performance markers and has little to do with how low ones bodyfat is or how good they look. A fit person will be able to perform well over a wide range of activities including cardiovascular endurance, stamina, strength, flexibility, power output, coordination, agility, and balance. One is only as strong their weakest link.

Imagine a box filled with millions of pieces of paper. On each piece of paper is written a random physical task. This task could be as simple as run 1 mile or to climb a mountain. Most people will shy away from the tasks they are not good at and give an excuse such as well my back hurts, I’m not strong enough, my muscles cramp too much to do that, or it’s plain too hard without even attempting it. Someone who is fit will say “sure I can do that, watch me!”

Which category do you fall into?

What I would ask you to do is do the things you’re NOT so good at. If you are relatively strong, then run! If you can run a 5k with the best of them, then lift something heavy over your head! If you can lift heavy things over your head AND you can run, but you can’t touch your toes, then GET TO IT!

I think all of you are smart enough to figure out where I’m going with this.

How do you define fitness? Leave your comments and share your thoughts.

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